Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lucky Star Episode 4 Reference Guide

 Here's yet more random infos and trivias I found (incomplete and not necessarily accurate) while watching Lucky Star Episode 4. Subtitles are based on a.f.k as usual.

- I don't know what game is Konata referring to in 03:25, but my gut instinct tells me it's Final Fantasy XI. Vana**** is after all, a large place.

- Easy-to-guess anime reference in 04:06: it's Kanon. Konata is basically retelling the early parts of the game/anime, explaining how Yuichi bumps into Ayu. OT Note: Ayu also made her appearance as a side character in AAAAAIIIIIRRRR!.

- The Boy Who Cried Wolf (05:03) aka The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf is one of the many moral-laced children's stories found inside Aesop's Fables. The protagonist of the fable is a bored shepherd boy who entertained himself by calling out "wolf". Nearby villagers who came to his rescue found that the alarms were false and that they'd wasted their time. When the boy was actually confronted by a wolf, the villagers did not believe his cries for help and his flock perished. You reap what you sow indeed, Kagami.


- The picture found in 05:52 (behind her, to her right) raises some curiosity (with reference to 13:49). Is that Konata's late mom?

- Another easy anime reference: the armband in 06:51 given to Kagami is the SOS Brigade Chief's armband from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Konata suggests it might fit Kagami perfectly since she's very much a tsundere (a personality trait shared with Haruhi). Kagami retorts back at Konata by saying "it'll go better on you", due to the fact that Konata's seiyu is the same one who voiced Haruhi.

- Pretty straightforward in 07:08: To Heart. Come to think of it, Tsukasa does kinda resemble Akari Kamigishi, one of the main characters in To Heart.

- A stuffed Fumoffu can be spotted several times throughout the anime, starting from 08:29.

- Shin-Chan (08:54) is... you know it is.

- Comiket (09:13) is the world's largest comic convention, held twice a year in Tokyo, Japan. The convention lasts for three days. It is a grassroots, DIY effort for selling dōjinshi, self-published Japanese works.

- "A flat chest is a status symbol! A rarity!" (09:54-09:57) is a reference to a line spoken by Mayumi Thyme from Shuffle!, who prides herself for having the flattest chest among the girls. Mayumi's poster can be seen in Konata's room in 11:49 (a little bit) and 12:13.

- Moe Drill aka Lucky Star Moe Drill (10:33) is a game for the Nintendo DS released on December 1, 2005. It tests the player on various subjects and memorizations.

- Obscure/unidentifiable figurines found throughout Konata's room and moonspeak manga (12:03) has left me in a ditch. Haruhi (12:19) and the Hare Hare Yukai theme song (12:24) playing in the background should be a no-brainer by now. ROFL with Konata's displeasure at the "long-winded Nagato scenes". No idea what is Ya***** (12:30). Unidentified blurry anime poster in 13:09 (gut instinct: To Heart).

- Galaxy Angel II (16:20) at the back cover magazine/manga that Konata's reading. I'm still unsure about Comp Festival (16:25) and another moonspeak manga (17:04) that Kagami is reading.


- Hey, is that Haruka Suzumiya from Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien on Konata's fan (17:53)? Dunno, my eyes may be playing tricks on me again. In 17:57, I'm sure you can immediately recognize Pocky, that overpriced and barely nutritious stick of sawdust popular among Weaboos.

- Senryu (18:37) is a Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku in construction: three lines with 17 or fewer more (not syllables) in total. However, senryū tend to be about human foibles while haiku tend to be about nature, and senryū are often cynical or darkly humorous while haiku are serious.

- Nyoro~n! (19:18) is a whimpering expression made famous by Churuya, a chibified version of Tsuruya from Haruhi Suzumiya. In connection to the latter, Minoru Shiraishi, character and seiyu of the same name, also voiced a character in Haruhi Suzumiya named Taniguchi. Moonspeak magazine (19:45) is the November issue of Comtiq. "Cowabunga" (20:02) is an obvious nod to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

- The ending song for Episode 4 was taken from a movie's theme soundtrack of the same name called Sailor Fuku to Kikanjuu aka Sailor Suit and Machine Gun (1981). It follows the story of a young highschool girl (played by the then teen idol Hiroko Yakushimaru) who inherited her father's position as a Yakuza mob boss after his sudden death in an accident. The movie became famous for one of its scene, where the girl whom Hiroko is playing as sprayed machinegun fire while wearing her highschool uniform, and then exclaims "Kaikan!" ("Exciting!"). A 7 episode drama remake for the movie was made in 2006.

OT Note: is it just me, or one or does the plot of this movie (and one of the scene) kinda reminds me of the Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise story arc in Black Lagoon?